Saturday, June 21, 2008


Finally moved off the island of Islay and moved in to the Highlands, although I liked the island so much that I will be going back often. After polishing off my second glass of Drumguish I realized that this inexpensive scotch is beautifully paired with cheese nips..that's right cheese nips. Salty, cheesy and crunchy are the perfect combination to set off this mostly drinkable single malt. Granted this is just a first pass and my perception of Drumguish may change once I get closer to the bottom of the bottle but right now it is palatable. Is it great? By no means, but it is passable and it certainly wont kill your wallet at 16 bucks a bottle. I guess the German chick at Specs knew what she was talking about when she recommend it along with The Speyside 12 year, yes The Speyside is cued up for the next review. Drumguish does not list how many years they age their scotch, a fact I found a little off putting. Still at 16 bucks it is very affordable but if you're like me and you long for the peat and smoke you'll pony up a few more sawbacks and spring for Bowmore Legend.

Cost - $

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