Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Balvenie Double Wood

He said double wood.....he he. Once you get over the initial urge to giggle like a friggin 12 year old and pour yourself a glass you will probably never make that joke again. This little bottle of Speyside liquid gold is nothing to joke about. This is really the first non-Islay that knocked my freaking socks off, I was so impressed by this scotch I'm really at a loss for words to describe how special it is. Mellow, smooth with just a hint of hooah! When paired with a big helping of salty popcorn this really good scotch becomes great. Maybe it's the briney flavor or maybe it's the extra 2 years Balvenie put in to this bottle but this stunner is nearly as good as my true love Laphroaig. Yeah I just can't get enough smoke to satisify but I will definitely pour the Double Wood again...notice no laugh.

Cost: $$$$

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