Sunday, September 28, 2008

McClelland Lowland

In these hard economic times I find that a constant state of sedation is the perfect coping mechanism. Okay call me a radical, call me a rebel but I really.....I mean really enjoy a good buzz. I don't know what it is about alcohol that really seems to take the edge off but damn! Yeah some may call me an alcoholic but I prefer student, I am very studious. It just so happens that my major is scotch and I cherish every last lesson. This latest lesson comes from a rarely visited part of Scotland, the Lowlands. Weird right? Well I got a wild hair and for $20 eh..who gives a shit? Okay test time: What's got a fruity start and a butterscotchy finish? That's right McClelland's Lowland, a fine summer scotch if I do say so. Definitely bereft of peat, oh how I miss the peat, but tasty never the less. I don't know what kind of witches they have brewing up scotch at McClelland's but I love every single one of those crooked nosed, warty green faced biatches. I will still chose an Islay over this any day but it's a nice treat in the hot afternoon sun.

Cost: $$